Cannot close week


Hi all, went to close week and got a message that the file "master.jcm" is in use.  it will not let me close week.  None of our users have that file open, in fact, it doesn't even appear in computer management.  Am I looking at a server re-boot?  Any thoughts?

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    If there are no users in the system, then you are most likely running into a locked pervasive file. It is a Job Cost file, but it is not only Job Cost that accesses that file. It can be locked by people in other applications, Project Management, Accounts Payable, Billing, Payroll are a few. You are correct in that a server reboot will most likely resolve the issue. You also have the option to use the Pervasive Monitor Utility on the server to close the locked files or Windows Computer Management.

    For more detailed information, logon to the Sage Customer Portal and search KB3563 for the pervasive Monitor Utility and KB3548 for information regarding the use of Computer Management to unlock a file.


    Casey Knapp

    Senior Customer Support Analyst, Sage Construction and Real Estate