ACA Report Problems

Anyone else having problems with the Time Sheet report and the ACA Hours Allocation Report?  I've submitted an Enhancement Request: 

"The Time Sheet report which Sage has suggested we use to enter the ACA allocated hours is not useful because it does not summarize each employee for the month. It also does not exclude the exempt employees (exempt employer, exempt relative, exempt seasonal). Nor does it report only 130 hours for full time employees but reports 200 hours for them instead. So this is not useful to compare to the ACA Hours Allocation report as totals will not match. Can you fix this and put a new report out for us to use?

Also, the ACA Hours Allocation report total fields are too small (only 7 wide) which prints as ***.** because the total needs to be at least 9 wide with a comma."

  • If you use the Time Sheet report, you need to manually total the hours (exporting to Excel can make this easier). There is a custom report available in the Knowledgebase (How do I report Payroll hours by check date range? ID 28682) that will give you the information you need to fill out the ACA grid. Hope this helps!

  • in reply to Mari Urbanek

    Thank you, Mari, but the custom report in KB28682 is not conditioned to show only ACA pay types.  I somewhat managed to fix the Time Sheet Report so at least it summarized by employee.  However, it still shows exempt employees and more than 130 hours per month for a full time employee.  Neither report is really what we need.  I can work on it more and probably get it to work fine, but not everyone has RD so perhaps Sage can fix it for us?

  • in reply to Rhonda V

    I am working on a modified time sheet report that I will be uploading to the Knowledgebase that sorts by employee and includes totals for the specified date range. I will post an update here on Sage City when I have published the new article with a link to the report.

  • in reply to Denise Paulus

    We do plan to add additional reports for Affordable Care Act reporting in later releases. I have added a modified version of the PR Time Sheet report to the Knowledgebase. The article number is 57132.  This report sorts by Employee, Period End Date and Check Sequence, includes Period End Date and Employee totals and can be conditioned for ACA Pay Types.  Ranges can be used to select specific Employees. This report does not have the ability to filter by the ACA exempt status set on the PR Employee record since this report doesn't include any information from the PR Employee record.  

    We are all new to the ACA and the reporting requirements. Comments and Suggestions are welcome.

  • in reply to Denise Paulus

    We do plan to add additional reports for Affordable Care Act reporting in later releases. I have added a modified version of the PR Time Sheet report to the Knowledgebase. The article number is 57132.  This report sorts by Employee, Period End Date and Check Sequence, includes Period End Date and Employee totals and can be conditioned for ACA Pay Types.  Ranges can be used to select specific Employees. This report does not have the ability to filter by the ACA exempt status set on the PR Employee record since this report doesn't include any information from the PR Employee record.  

    We are all new to the ACA and the reporting requirements. Comments and Suggestions are welcome.

  • in reply to Denise Paulus

    Thank you, Denise!  With the original Time Sheet I was able to summarize by employee and pull in the Employee's Exempt Status so I can condition for Not Exempt employees.  Just not quite there yet with the Full Time employees and what to do.  This new ACA is very confusing!  I thought Sage's video was really helpful!