Need MN SWH Tax Formula to not round but calculate to the cents


We have started using a third party(paychex to print our paycheck) their system does not round the MN SWH taxes BUT timberline does, it's formula "PR MNSWH_CR" rounds up to the nearest dollar. MN allows an employee to pay to the penny or to round. I want it to not round by to pay to the cent. Does anyone that uses Sage CRE and does work in MN have a different formula in their system that they can share with me?

Thank you kindly

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    We aren't in Minnesota but inside the PRMNSWH_CR formula, there is a rounding function.  If you were to copy the formula and change it so that the zero after the comma becomes a two, the formula will not round to dollars but will round to two decimal places (cents).  You would have to replace the formula inside your Tax Rate table for MNSWH with the new formula you made.  Then anytime you have to download taxes, you may want to check to be sure the formula name you made still appears in the Tax Rate table.

  • 0

    We aren't in Minnesota but inside the PRMNSWH_CR formula, there is a rounding function.  If you were to copy the formula and change it so that the zero after the comma becomes a two, the formula will not round to dollars but will round to two decimal places (cents).  You would have to replace the formula inside your Tax Rate table for MNSWH with the new formula you made.  Then anytime you have to download taxes, you may want to check to be sure the formula name you made still appears in the Tax Rate table.
