"select company" window does not open

When a new user clicks on "Open company", the "Select company" window does not open. Anyone ever experience this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Using 300 cre 9.7, server 2008 r2.

  • 0
    Does the user have permission to select companies?
  • 0 in reply to JDiCo
    Yes. I am the user, and I am set up with the admin role in timberline security. I have found that if I run timberline as the server admin, that the "select company" window will appear after clicking on "open company". I think that this is because the server admin account pre-dates yesterday rather than because the admin has access rights that are not in place for my user account on the server. The "select company" window issue does not exist for any non-admin user account that pre-dates yesterday. I also think that this "select company" issue is related to the stack trace issue in my other post from yesterday that you answered. The stack trace error, and the "select company" window issue only happen with my new server account. I have created another test server account & timberline account and the same issues appear, but neither issue appears for any server/timberline account existing before yesterday. Thanks for your help. I'll monitor for awhile, and then try the uninstall/reinstall if nothing changes.
  • 0 in reply to JDiCo
    Yes. I am the user, and I am set up with the admin role in timberline security. I have found that if I run timberline as the server admin, that the "select company" window will appear after clicking on "open company". I think that this is because the server admin account pre-dates yesterday rather than because the admin has access rights that are not in place for my user account on the server. The "select company" window issue does not exist for any non-admin user account that pre-dates yesterday. I also think that this "select company" issue is related to the stack trace issue in my other post from yesterday that you answered. The stack trace error, and the "select company" window issue only happen with my new server account. I have created another test server account & timberline account and the same issues appear, but neither issue appears for any server/timberline account existing before yesterday. Thanks for your help. I'll monitor for awhile, and then try the uninstall/reinstall if nothing changes.