• 2022 CA SPSL Reporting on Paystub

    The 2022 CA SPSL law requires that we list the number of hours taken on a paystub (or on a memo) even if those hours are 0. The hours can also be reported on a separate insert, but with weekly payroll, that becomes quite burdensome. According to KB…
  • PPP Loan Forgivessness - Report that shows the sum of all hours

    The check totals report that SAGE put out is great; however, it only shows regular and OT hours. Why doesn't it include vacation and non COVID 19 sick time? I have tried to alter the report but it doesn't seem to work. The check totals reports is the…
  • Tracking for PPP loan disbursements

    We have received our PPP loan money. We are going to begin to pay employees this week. I am considering creating a new job to track all costs including payroll, fringe, health, retirement and other costs. Is this the best way to track these costs or is…