• Report All Job Cost Codes with description Sage18.11 to excel

    We recently upgraded from Pervasive to Sage 18.11. I am trying to update and also do some improvements in our existing database(Job Cost Codes or Job Phase,NOT PRICE CODE!). There are no way to make a report for all Job Codes plus Descriptions into…
  • Is it possible to move Crew/Resources/Rate Tables from an estimate to the database?

    I created Crews/Resources/Rate tables etc in a template estimate that I start from in each of my estimates. The other estimators prefer the way I have set things up and management likes the way I set up the rate tables so they can easily go in and update…
  • how to paste multiple rows of cells from excel to sage

    Is there a way to copy a set of 100 cells (100 rows deep by 1 column wide) and paste those into excel? Right now doing it one by one and sure takes a long time..... Thank you