Depreciation by Different groups



I am using Sage version 2014.1. I am wondering if depreciation can be done by different groups.

Meaning to say, I have a company in Sage, where all the assets listed have their own GL Expense Account.

I would like to only depreciate a specific GL Expense Account and not all the assets in the company.

As you can see, under Depreciation, we can only depreciate "Active Asset", "In-Active Asset" and "Disposed Asset".

I tried to add a new group, but when it comes to Field Criteria, I am stuck. 

I have attached images for better understanding.

Thank You


Kai Wen

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    HI Delray


    I tried using the group function and it works. It depreciated everything except for the ones I wish not to depreciate.

    However, I am wondering if there is such a function in Sage, where we can stop depreciation for a period of time

    then continue depreciating when the calls come.

    I don't quite get the depreciated <All Complete Asset Group>. Why is it better to depreciate in this way?



    Kai Wen

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    Hello Kai Wan,

    While it will not effect your particular question, the Sage Fixed Assets version 2014.1 of the program is no longer supported and we would recommend updating.

    As a General rule: When it comes to running Depreciation, we recommend always using the <All Completed Assets> group. There are many reason for this, the simplest of which is, it ensures the Current Through date on all the assets is, indeed, what you think it is. See How to run Depreciation for more details.

    Any question about any report, the first step of troubleshooting is to first re-run depreciation on the <All Completed Assets> group, just to make sure, and then re-run the report.

    When running reports, that's where groups come in handy. First, you create a Group (BTW - In your Screen shot - you were editing the existing Disposed Assets group, not creating a new one.) Groups are queries you are creating, based on information already existing within the assets, setting up the criteria for which asset will be included in the group.

    In this case: Once in the Group Manager, you have typed a name for the group, and have clicked Add, from the Look In: drop down box, you select you desired field, i.e. G/L Expense Account, then from the Operator drop down box (Is, Is one of, etc.) for the test and then the Value which exists in the field you selected and wish to find then click Add so that your criteria appear in the big box below.

    See How to create a group? for more details.

    If you create a group which looks like:

    and then select that group when running a report:

    The report would only include assets with the G/L Expense Account number of 9092.


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    Hi Delray

    Thanks for your explanation.

    It looks a bit tricky to stop an asset from depreciation. My case was not for "held for sale".

    But I think it might work, however, I would have to amend the dates. It will sort of change the original data.

    Am I right to say, if I were to stop the depreciation using "NO" use for non-depreciated asset, when its disposed all I have to do is to use the normal disposal method?  The missing months of depreciation will not catch up? Or will the accumulated depreciation figure stop at the date I stop depreciation?

    I tried using the "In-active" and "Re-active" of the asset to sort of stop the depreciation when its inactive.

    However, once I re-active the asset, the depreciation catch up for those missing months that I have stop depreciating.

    Thanks for your reply
    Have a great weekend!
    Kai Wen

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    Hello Kai Wen,

    See How to stop depreciation on an asset being held for sale? which is not a function, but a process of editing the asset to stop the depreciation and later to restart it.

    I cannot say I know all the reasons for it either, since the story I get always seems different, but it basically boils down to: Inconsistencies in reports, go away after re-running depreciation on the <All Completed Assets> group, then running the reports on other groups. I believe it always comes down to confusion to what happened before and since I was not there for that part, I can never really know what that was, but ignoring a complicated story, re-running depreciation on the <All Completed Assets> group - 95% of the time - there is no issue.

    It is really for those 5% is why they paid me. 

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    Hello Kai Wen,

    The short answer is Yes, that would be the correct description of both process.

    To Inactive and asset is a non-auditable transaction which is closer to a deletion but an inactivation can be reversed where a deletion cannot.

    With the Depreciation ran through date you want to stop accumulating, using the Depreciation method of NO, answering Yes-Current Thru Date to the questions, leaves the asset is an active advances the Current Through date without adding to the accumulated until it is disposed.
