Negative Acquired Value reported different on Fixed Asset reports


Have a client that just started using Fixed Assets this past year, with 12/31/17 figured imported.

They have a number of assets with a negative cost. These are calculating correctly into the Total Acquired Value, but not in Depreciable Basis on the Net Book Value Report.

Acquired Value = $45,711,047.70

Accum Deprecation = $30,474,772.85

Net Book Value = $15,236,274.85.

However, when looking at the Net Book Value Report, it displays

$45,872,469.00 - $30,474,772.85 = $15,236,274.85.  The math just doesn't work.

Its getting to the correct ending value, but displaying the wrong starting value.

Its because the values are negative, but showing as positive on the Net Book Value Report.

Is there a way to get them to display as negatives so this report has accurate totals?

v2017 Depreciation Tracking

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    Hello Lwadana,

    From your information that was provided the asset record 4th from the bottom was input into Sage Fixed Assets Depreciation in a company with a year end of December. The Net Book Value was ran and it displayed the negative acquired value as it displayed on the asset main tab.

    Would you be able to provide us the main tab (detailed view) of that one asset or another one that displays a positive value but negative accumulated depreciation and net value?

    This will be super helpful to determine what is going on with how the Net Book Value reports displays the amount.



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    Hello Lwadana,

    The short answer is to run depreciation on the <All Completed Asset> group, then run the NBV report.

    The longer answer: When looking at you initial report, it made no sense to me why the Basis was appear as a positive number but Accum and NBV was appear as negative number. I could not even imagine how that asset could have been entered, especially since I kept running into errors and warnings when I tried to force it. With the Asset Detail above, I was able to reproduce your NBV report, and also was able to fix the report by just running Depreciation for that asset to 12/2017.

    As a General rule to ensure accurate reporting, Depreciation must be ran through the desired date prior to the running of any report. Non-Date Sensitive such as the NBV report, are not designed to included asset until depreciation has been ran. They may appear on the report, but until Depreciation has been ran, especially on negative value asset (which are not really supported but do generally work) or after editing an asset or performing a transfer/disposal transaction on an asset, there are no guarantees that information will be accurate. 

    Also, having Beginning date information on an asset at the end of the Month in which it is Placed in Service, is not the best practice and we would advise against it. There are many, many reasons for this, the issue you ran into  with this asset, would not actually be one I would think of on the phone, it is rather rare occurrence, but goofy reports and odd calculation later in life can be the result. I would recommend clearing that Beginning information and allowing the program to calculate normally. (See How to reset depreciation on an individual asset or group of assets? for the details on how to clear the Beginning information.)

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    Thank you! I appreciate the help & I will work with the client using your suggestions!