Unable to use MA100 for Real Property with a 2016 In-Service Date

I am trying to select MA100 for the tax depreciation method on an asset added with an in-service date in 2016 with the R property type. The MA100 is no longer in the dropdown box. If I change the acquisition year from 2016 to 2015, then I am able to use MA100. Is there an update I need to run to allow me to select MA100 on a 2016 asset with R property type?

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    Hello LaurenGraves,
    With Property type R and service date after 2015 the MA100 is not available in 2015.2. If the estimated life is suppose to be 25 years or shorter you can use property type P with MA100 depreciation method. The next release 2016.1 will have it available again as the code for this has been updated based on the PATH Act 2015 that was released from Congress on December 18, 2015. This will become available for download from our customer portal (http://support.sage.na.com) in the beginning of February 2016. An email will be sent out to the customers who have a customer portal login account to tell when it is available.
    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

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    Hello LaurenGraves,
    Would this also be the situation for the MA150 Depreciation method? We are having an issue with using the MA150 method for a R type property this month (January 2016), but had no issues using this method last month?
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    Yes! It looks like we will have to wait until the 2016.1 version is released for this to be fixed.