Transferred Assets and Forcing Full Depreciation Problems


We have some assets that are internally transferred between a couple of our companies that have stopped depreciating.  Every attempt I have tried to finish the depreciation, both through using RV, or forcing asset to be fully depreciated by changing the Beginning Date, Beginning YTD, Beginning Accumulated fields, it is dropping the beginning accumulated depreciation balance by a huge amount, which is the Period Close Accumulated Depreciation from the company the asset was transferred from at the time it was transferred.  The problem is that this obviously doesn't work since the fixed asset system now doesn't match the GL because it is making this depreciation just disappear on the current company.  All of the totals and balances are perfect until I make any change on the asset and it is always decreasing the amount by that Period Close Accumulated Depreciation amount.  Any ideas are appreciated to finish the depreciation but not touch the beginning accumulated figures!

Thank you

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    verified answer

    Hello Sam,

    The Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation program will prevent modifying the Beginning Information on the Child asset of a transfer transaction. When changing critical values, in this case changing the Depreciation Method to RV, Sage Fixed Assets will only allow changes to the child of a transfer as of the Beginning Date which will be the end on the month prior to the transfer date and have the effect of changing all calculation since the Beginning Date.

    To make the change and keep the current calculations, you will be need to create a copy of and inactivate the child asset.

    In Sage Fixed Assets:

    1. From the Asset Detail view of the Child asset, go to: Asset, Replicate.
    2. Enter 1 for the number of times to replicate the asset, Click OK, Click OK.
    3. From the Asset Detail view of the Child asset, go to: Asset, Inactivate, click Yes.
    4. Go to Asset Detail view of the replicated asset and make your changes to RV and on the life to fully depreciate the asset.


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    Works perfectly! Thank you so much!!!!