Error - Unable to find ProfileName for given ProfileID in UserProfile


While doing some work I made backups of our existing companies and restored all of them to a blank database.  This way I could work on the data offline in a copy.  When opening one company, all the asset information on the detail screen was grayed out.  Only when I log in as Supervisor am I able to do anything.  When going to system administration and clicking on Sign-On Windows Authentication I get the following error message:

Error - Unable to find ProfileName for given ProfileID in UserProfile

None of the company profiles are there and I can't create a new one as I get this error every time.

Any clues??  This is with 2014.1.

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    verified answer

    If you're on the Windows Network or SQL Server versions, you can try restoring a backup of the BESTSYS database prior to restoring the companies up. If the problem persists after doing a backup/restore of the companies again to a new database, you may need to create a new system database (BESTSYS). This would mean you will also need to recreate the security from the ground up again. I tested the same steps you did here but did not have any problems after restoring the companies to a new database with security enabled..