Sage Fixed Assets Single User 2019.1


Does anyone have the install files for Sage Fixed Assets Singer User 2019.1 that they can share with me? I see it installed on a workstation but the install files are not there or least I cannot find them.


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    Hello DHalpin,

    While I cannot share a download of the 2019.1, I can tell you that you will be looking for a Setup.exe file that is 558,020 kb (544 MB) that should have a last modified date of 1/10/2019.

    However, with the 2021.1 still available for download which will soon to go away, I really would recommend update to at least the 2021.1 version or looking in the Sage Advisor Update utility to update to the 2020.1 version. There were several issues in 2019.1 which can only be fixed in the 2019.1.2 update patch, all of which were fixed in 2020.1.


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    Thank you. Appreciate the info but cannot find it still. I have to upgrade them.