HRMS 2016 database encryption with SQL 2016

We would like to be able to encrypt the databases that HRMS and TimeStar use. After talking with phone support they have told us that is not a current feature, I hope this is the correct forum to post this as a feature request. Preferably whole database encryption but if column encryption would become supported we could probably work with that as well.


Parents Reply
  • in reply to Derek Vink

    i've gotten 0 response here or on the other forum, is there a way that this feature request can be looked at. we're trying to protect our employee data with built in sql 2016 encryption of the database and it appears that sage has no desire to support us on this.

  • in reply to Kyle@SMS

    Good morning Kyle, Sage does not test with SQL encryption on so, the support team cannot speak to it simply because they do not know enough to act as an expert... with that said, we know of many customers who have turned on native SQL encryption and they've said it is fine. Some of the things we thought of that would need to be tested or thought through would be things like third party solutions, or something like an ODBC custom report... your local HRMS reseller/ certified partner might be a good person to bring in to look at your system and let you know if it is ready to try... or perhaps setup a test environment, turn on SQL encryption and verify that way. 

    I will also pass it along to the HRMS team that perhaps testing with SQL encryption turned on would be worth adding to a future release so that this can be documented and properly supported. I hope that helps!