Timesheet import from Excel


In HRMS, does anyone know how to setup the Import Timesheet function on the process payroll map to import from our Excel file? We have a custom application that pushes all our timesheet entries into Excel and we'd like to be able to just click that step in the process payroll map to populate the timecard list.

  • +1
    verified answer

    The default "Import Timesheet" function on the Payroll Process map is designed to work specifically with the old Sage TimeSheets Professional program. You could remove it and replace it with a custom program or you could use the import functionality that is built into payroll by opening a timecard and clicking on File-Import.

  • 0 in reply to Steve Tompkins

    Hi Steve. How do I add a custom program to the menu? I only know how to add crystal reports. Thanks!

  • +1 in reply to stelee
    verified answer

    There might be an easier way but what I have had to do to add a custom program to the payroll process map is to first add the custom program under Customize HRMS Menu. Under the Activity Connected Services I have created a new button and added a custom program to it. After you have added the custom program to Customize HRMS Menu you can then add it to Customize Process Payroll. Even that has not worked perfectly and sometimes I have to Customize Process Payroll logged in as the user who will be processing payroll.

  • +1 in reply to stelee
    verified answer

    There might be an easier way but what I have had to do to add a custom program to the payroll process map is to first add the custom program under Customize HRMS Menu. Under the Activity Connected Services I have created a new button and added a custom program to it. After you have added the custom program to Customize HRMS Menu you can then add it to Customize Process Payroll. Even that has not worked perfectly and sometimes I have to Customize Process Payroll logged in as the user who will be processing payroll.
