
Update Taxes

Posted By FormerMember

I am hoping someone has received this error and can help me out?  I am trying to Update Taxes on the employee level and a random amount are pulling this error and not updating. 

Error: "Invalid input. The parameters in the Employee Tax Fields does not match the tax table definition "

I called support and was told "I don't know." 

I am waiting on a call from the supervisor.  Any feedback, suggestions or ideas is helpful that do not include the current work around of deleting the code adn re-adding it.  There are over 1,100 employees in our system and checking each one is tedious and time consuming. If someone knows of a report that can be pulled to show the Employee tax amount being pulled, that would be VERY helpful as well. 

Thank you in advance! 



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    If this is an error trying to import from excel I would say there is an issue with your import file in the Employee Tax Fields sheet, like you are using a value in the column PARMVAL that does not correspond to the datatype for that row's  PARMNBR, Integer Tax Table Field Number. Try to nail it down to a specific employee, tax code and tax table field number.