Looking for help on payroll reports


I am trying to create a report for my boss that shows gross pay, net pay, Overtime pay, retirement contribution and PTO balance.  I am struggling to find the correct Payroll files to use in HRMS for crystal.

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    Upchkh (check portion)

    Upchkh will have the period end date, transdate (check date), transnum (check number), Transamt (net pay) and more.


    upchkd (stub portion)

    Upchkd has earnded (earning deduction code), Balance (PTO balance), you can add certain Eardedtype or Earnded (earning deduction codes) to get gross pay. Tip: some of the fields that start with an ‘E’ are employee and with an ‘R’ are employer.

    Some of the information may be available on our  Transaction Reports > Earnings and Hours Report. You can run this with a Report Format of either Detail or Summary for a date range.  This will total by each earning, deduction and tax code the amount.  It shows Gross pay, net pay, advances, PTO paid and hours paid.  

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    Upchkh (check portion)

    Upchkh will have the period end date, transdate (check date), transnum (check number), Transamt (net pay) and more.


    upchkd (stub portion)

    Upchkd has earnded (earning deduction code), Balance (PTO balance), you can add certain Eardedtype or Earnded (earning deduction codes) to get gross pay. Tip: some of the fields that start with an ‘E’ are employee and with an ‘R’ are employer.

    Some of the information may be available on our  Transaction Reports > Earnings and Hours Report. You can run this with a Report Format of either Detail or Summary for a date range.  This will total by each earning, deduction and tax code the amount.  It shows Gross pay, net pay, advances, PTO paid and hours paid.  
