FUTA wages don't match Schedule A FUTA wages

The FUTA taxable wages from form 940 do not match the FUTA taxable on Schedule A form 940. I can tie the gross wages and payments in excess of $7,000 back to payroll, but I cannot figure out how the number that is listed on Schedule A is being calculated. In looking at the tables, I can see that the same number is listed in the table pr94011, field crwageky, which I assume is populating Schedule A, but I have nothing to tie it back to and I believe it should be the same number as the FUTA taxable wages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    As I stated above, I did call Sage support and talked to two different people and neither was able to offer any clarification. They both simply said that the forms were fully editable, so if we didn't agree with the numbers to change them manually. This was NOT an acceptable answer. If the numbers are different, I expect to be able to determine WHY they are different. HOW is the Schedule A number calculated versus the number on the main form? Why are they different? With no explanation from Sage whatsoever, it only make the client question the software. Sage could not even tell me HOW the figure is computed on Schedule A, so that we could go back and double check numbers. Additionally, manually changing the figures is not necessarily as simple as it might seems. With this client having employees who worked in 14 states, we have to break down the number from the first page and run additional reports to figure out the amounts that should be listed by state on Schedule A. It seemed to make as somewhat straightforward process much more cumbersome and time consuming.