How to change browser on Sage 50?


I am trying to link credit cards details to a customer profile.

The problem I encounter is Sage 50 telling me I need service plan that allows credit card payments. After the message there's a blue Hyperlink "Renew my plan". Clicking the link, Sage 50 automatically opens IE web browser which since April 2022 is no longer supported.

I have tried uninstalling IE which broke the link and made it unclickable.

I have tried setting my default browser to multiple different browsers with no effect Sage still tries to use IE.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 0

    Hi Jonathan, thanks for reaching out.

    Which version year of Sage 50 are you using? The link in Sage 50, did launch for me in my default browser.

    Would be happy to reach out to our resources on your behalf, feel free to email me your contact details here regarding a subscription to enable credit card numbers on customer profiles. Our support resources for any product and location can be located through this site as well:

    You can also phone: 1-866-996-7243 during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm ET, excluding holidays.

    Warm Regards, 

  • 0 in reply to Erzsi_I

    Hi Erzsi

    This has been an issue for a long time now with a few links in the program.  I use Chrome as my default browser.  I just opened my dummy file in 2022.2 opened a customer ledger and clicked on the What is a merchant account? link.  It opened the help.  So I clicked on Open a merchant account with Paya and got the following image.

    If I click on the Home Screen Help menu, and either Support, Knowledgebase, or Online Community or Sage University, then I get Chrome.  Anything on the Services menu gives me Chrome without any problems.  There are just a few links that still go back to the old browser.

  • 0 in reply to Erzsi_I

    I just searched the help for a link to the outside world.  I clicked on the link in the following image (red arrow) and got IE again.

  • 0 in reply to Erzsi_I

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thank you for your emailed details, posting my response to you here as well and moving this post to the Student forum.

    If you’re using the Sage 50 Premium Accounting-Student Version 2020.0; unfortunately, not all the cloud features have been made available and messaging about this has still not been embedded. Your book and student data may want you to perform certain functions like: add a credit card, and or create a credit / debit note or delivery order.

    A few weeks ago, we inquired with our development team about when the student version would unlock these features and or have messaging about the limitations; and they advised that due to a backlog it might not be until the 2024.0 version (October 2023 release). Feel free to forward this post to your teacher as proof of the software’s limitations. Sorry that this news isn’t better and apologies for the confusion.

    Warm Regards,

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    Hi Richard, checked on this with the team who advised that Sage 50 has a dependency on IE - which is being removed in 2023. Hopefully, when clicking on items in the Services menu of Sage 50's home screen in the interim you get the option of which browser to use? Myself and another colleague do.