Credit Note unavailable in student premium

My text book shows to use the credit note feature, but I am unable to use any form of credit/ debit note. In the Sales journal when switching from invoice to credit/ debit note, it wont select and defaults back to invoice. Clicking the Sales invoice arrow to select does not work either, it doesn't acknowledge that I've clicked on it at all.  

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    Hi JoMc, 

    Thank you for reaching out, if you’re using the Sage 50 Premium Accounting-Student Version - Canadian Edition; unfortunately, not all the cloud features have been made available and messaging about this has still not been embedded. Your book and student data may want you to perform certain functions like: add a credit card, and or create a credit / debit note or delivery order. 

    A few months ago, we inquired with our development team about when the student version would unlock these features and or have messaging about the limitations; and they advised that due to a backlog it might not be until the 2024.0 version (October 2023 release). Feel free to share this post with your teacher as proof of the software’s limitations. Sorry that this news isn’t better and apologies for the confusion.

    Sage Education team is aware about this as well and can be reached at [email protected]

    Warm Regards,


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    Guys, still no change related to unlocking these features? Isn't there a way to make this happen a little sooner? I'm sure many students will be so grateful. And maybe someone can help me with an essay assignment because I forget about its deadline and now I need to do something quickly...

  • 0 in reply to EricLikens

    Hi  and ,

    Received a response this morning that we’re looking into it for future improvement. They were unable to provide confirmation that the enhancement would be included in Sage 50 Canada version 2024. Your inquiries help prioritize the request though, so thank you for reaching out.

    Warm Regards, 