Change Slip Entry order


Is there way way to change the slip entry order for all timekeepers?  We want the slip reference entry space to occur before the slip activity/task.  We want this to be a global change and not just a personal preference.  We are going to begin using the UTBMS codes for billing and this order would make more sense when entering time (L- eDiscovery codes before A-Activity codes).

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    verified answer
    Mmmmmm, no. Not really.

    While you can switch Client and A Code, those are the only two.that you can physically switch were they appear.

    What you CAN do, (though I wouldn't necessarily recommend it) is change the user's preference for how the program's focus moves from fields to field on a slip when you click the TAB key, and have the focus move to the Reference field before the A Code. But when you look at the slip, they A code will still be above the L Code.