Assistance with Aged A/R Balances and Timekeeper Reports

Two questions here:

1. On the Aged A/R Balances Report, is there a way to keep clients with credit balances from showing up, so only amounts owed to our office appear on the report? Or alternatively is there a way to group the data so that all debit balances are together with a total, and all credit balances are together with a total?

2. How can I set up a timekeeper activity report that shows a breakdown of how each timekeeper spent their billable hours in a given time period, in terms of tasks? I.e. Timekeeper A had 30 total billable hours; 5 hours spent on Estate Planning; 15.5 hours on Real Estate; 1 hour Correspondence, etc.


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    1. If you have negative numbers in your A/R report, it is an indication that you may not be using the Client Funds function correctly. Are these negative numbers prepaid retainers that are being worked against? Are those retainers being deposited in your IOLTA account? A/R should only show activity related to your Operating Account.

    As a quick work around, you can filter the report for only clients who have at least a $.01 balance (effectively filtering out the negative numbers.

    2. Take a Slip Summary report. Filter it for date range, time slips (vs. expense slips), only billable slips. Sort it by Timekeeper, then by Activity. That should give you what you ask for.
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    1. If you have negative numbers in your A/R report, it is an indication that you may not be using the Client Funds function correctly. Are these negative numbers prepaid retainers that are being worked against? Are those retainers being deposited in your IOLTA account? A/R should only show activity related to your Operating Account.

    As a quick work around, you can filter the report for only clients who have at least a $.01 balance (effectively filtering out the negative numbers.

    2. Take a Slip Summary report. Filter it for date range, time slips (vs. expense slips), only billable slips. Sort it by Timekeeper, then by Activity. That should give you what you ask for.