eCenter Obsolescence Policy

I use TS 2015 with eCenter to exchange data.  On the eCenter log-in page, there is a notice that reads, "eCenter customers using Sage Timeslips 2015 in conjunction with eCenter will lose the ability to exchange data between the two on July 31st, 2017."  However, when you click on the "Obsolescence Policy" link, it brings up what appears to be last year's notice.  Can anyone confirm exactly what is happening on July 31, 2017, and who it will be affecting?  Thanks.

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    As a general rule, Sage Timeslips will only support the last 3 versions of the software. Right now (2/20/2017) that means versions 2015, 2016 and 2017. You must be using a supported version in order to exchange with Timeslips eCenter.

    Sounds like on July 31, 2017, Sage Timeslips intends to release their v2018 product. (This is their traditional yearly release date.) That would mean that v2015 would 'roll off' support. It is their way of getting you to buy an upgrade at least every 3 years.

    So, if you are using v2015 now, you should be good until July 31, 2017, but then expect them to stop that from working on June 1. What you probably want to do is wait just a bit until they start selling v2018, and then buy that. There is little reason to buy the current v2017 right now because then you would only get TWO years of 'use' out of it before it rolls off support, whereas the v2018 would give you a full three years.

    We typically start seeing "presales" of v2018 in April or so. Just watch your email inbox, they will be sure to notify you.
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    As a general rule, Sage Timeslips will only support the last 3 versions of the software. Right now (2/20/2017) that means versions 2015, 2016 and 2017. You must be using a supported version in order to exchange with Timeslips eCenter.

    Sounds like on July 31, 2017, Sage Timeslips intends to release their v2018 product. (This is their traditional yearly release date.) That would mean that v2015 would 'roll off' support. It is their way of getting you to buy an upgrade at least every 3 years.

    So, if you are using v2015 now, you should be good until July 31, 2017, but then expect them to stop that from working on June 1. What you probably want to do is wait just a bit until they start selling v2018, and then buy that. There is little reason to buy the current v2017 right now because then you would only get TWO years of 'use' out of it before it rolls off support, whereas the v2018 would give you a full three years.

    We typically start seeing "presales" of v2018 in April or so. Just watch your email inbox, they will be sure to notify you.