Purging old data

Since Timeslips 2016 was running slow I purged data prior to 2014. My time and expense slips are purged but my A/R did not purge. My database still shows Accounts Receivables back to 1999. Does anyone know why these didn't purge? Any suggestions for how to purge these A/Rs?

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    I wouldn't do that. The three largest tables in the database are usually: Audit records (who did what in the database), Bill Images (well, because images), and then Slips. A/R transactions would be much further down on my list of records to try to purge to gain a speed advantage.

    Have you made sure to exclude from realtime antivirus scanning on all the machines?
  • 0
    I wouldn't do that. The three largest tables in the database are usually: Audit records (who did what in the database), Bill Images (well, because images), and then Slips. A/R transactions would be much further down on my list of records to try to purge to gain a speed advantage.

    Have you made sure to exclude from realtime antivirus scanning on all the machines?