I am trying to print a report that shows invoices that were sent by attorney. I need it to have the date sent, matter name, amount of invoice and be sorted by attorney. Which report would work for that?? Thank you

  • Hi Shandy54.  The standard Invoice Listing report found in the A/R report tab should give you the date, matter, and amount.  

    What I need more information from you on is what you mean by "sorted by attorney."  I am going to assume for now that you have a firm with more than one attorney working there, and that the various matters are sort of 'supervised' or controlled by one of the attorneys.  I.e., a particular attorney is in charge of that matter, even though any of the attorneys that work there could end up working on the matter and contributing to the bill.

    Have you set up a Custom Client Field to track which attorney is in charge of that matter?  If you have, and you have populated the value on each client, then you can use that Custom Field to sort and subtotal the report.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips

    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.


    [email protected] 

  • in reply to Nancy Duhon

    right, so we have five attorneys and what I need is a list of what each has sent out over a specific period of time. For instance, I want to generate a report of what Gretchen billed this week; it needs to show the matter, invoice date and amount. Does that make sense?

  • in reply to Shandy54

    Yes and no.  Do you want to know how many $$$ Gretchen billed out? Or how many $$$ were billed out on Gretchen's matters? See those are not necessarily the same thing.  Does Gretchen work on other attorney's matters? Do other attorneys work on her matters?

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips

    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.


    [email protected] 

  • in reply to Nancy Duhon

    Also do you want to know what was entered in the time or what was billed. Fine could be enterered in June but not billed until July. It’s important to differentiate 

  • in reply to Nancy Duhon

    I just need the amount of the invoice, each invoice sent. So again, if Gretchen sent out five bills this week I want a report that shows the date of the invoice, matter name and amount of invoice.

  • in reply to Shandy54

    i don’t want a total, I need a listing of each invoice. This is a way to report to partners what associates are invoicing.

Reply Children
  • in reply to Shandy54

    You can run an invoice listing. Go to reports - AR transactions - transaction listing and filter for transaction type of invoice. You can then filter it in a variety of other ways. However I’m not sure what you mean by Gretchen sent out invoices. Are they the invoices that she is the responsible attorney on? If so and that is a field you have set up then you can filter. If you mean that Gretchen was to do user generated the bill, or take Gretchen had time on the bill then those are not possible  to filter for. 

  • in reply to Caren2

    Thank you! This is perfect. Exactly what I needed.