Unable to email from TimeSlips

We have Timeslips 2015 running on a Windows 10 system.  We also have Outlook 2016.  When we send bills, we see in Timeslips that they are successfully sent via email but the customers are not receiving them - they have checked their junk mailboxes, etc.  We have looked over other forum questions & saw a thread saying you needed to have an email address on the first page of the client view -- we looked for that feature & cannot find it.   We did verify that the statement page does indeed have the client's email address on it.  We also tried to link Outlook to Timeslips & when it asked for a folder path, we chose our public contact list but it just keeps asking for another folder.  So, we are stuck.  Please assist.  FYI, when looking at the report we see that emails are listed & it says the send was successful.  We also confirmed that we have checked the box that says Send Bills via Email.   

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    Link outlook to Timeslips has no impact on email bills. If you are getting the option to email bills and seeing that they go out then they are probably setup correctly. The first thing I would try is to email one to yourself and see if you get it. You also want to make sure they whatever computer you send from the outlook profile contains only one email account. 

    If only one account and email to yourself doesn’t work I would see if sending from another computer works. 

    Please note you can test with email from reprint bills. Beyond the above a little hard to troubleshoot without logging in. 

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    I agree with Caren2 that the Outlook link has nothing to do with being able to send emails, so you can stop wasting time with that.

    If Timeslips is saying the email was successfully sent, that usually means that it was successful in creating the email and getting it to the Outbox folder in Outlook.  It is then up to OUTLOOK to handle the ACTUAL sending.  

    I would check your Outlook Outbox and Sent Items folders to see what Outlook did with the email once it received it from Timeslips.

    Noting that Timeslips may not be communicating with the Outlook Profile/email account you think it is.

    My gut instinct on this is they are all sitting in an Outbox on an account that is actually not set up to send/retrieve, but that is more of a guess on my part.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips

    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.


    [email protected]