Error in changing client classifications


I am unable to change classification for my clients.  When I try to go from open to closed I get an error message that says "The field [Task] is empty.  It requires data."  I have tried different ways to change classification, from mass changes to individual changes in the client list to changes within each client's data but all give the same message.  Anyone have an answer?  Is there anyplace I can run a verification check on the software to ensure the install didn't get corrupted during a power outage or something.   I'm using Timeslips 2017Build

  • +1
    verified answer

    You can go into station administrator and run database verification. You can look for errors in the client table and the slip table. Alternatively, you might start by running a slip detail report for the clients in question. My guess is you might have some slips that don't have a valid task.

    If they were already billed, then database verification might fix, otherwise might take some behind the scenes work. Let us know if we can help. 

  • +1
    verified answer

    You can go into station administrator and run database verification. You can look for errors in the client table and the slip table. Alternatively, you might start by running a slip detail report for the clients in question. My guess is you might have some slips that don't have a valid task.

    If they were already billed, then database verification might fix, otherwise might take some behind the scenes work. Let us know if we can help. 
