Working with abbreviations


I've just started using timeslips and I've set up abbreviations to bill clients for bills every end of the month.  Is there a way to actually put something like [PREVMONTH] instead of always going back and having to change all the dates on the abbreviations?  I just ran through a whole billing cycle and charged all my clients for a billing period I already charged them for.


  • 0

    Where is the information being used? If on the bill layout then there are tokens that can be used in various parts of the layout. Need more information to guide you. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    I use the abbreviations when making a new slip entry.  Right now I have it set so I can type in a word and have it fill to "Work done for the month of October 2019".  I have to remember to keep changing the abbreviation to make sure it reflects the billing month I am preparing.  Is there a way to make/code it so the default string that comes out automatically picks up a previous month or a previous year without me having to type that previous month or year?  Thanks.

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    I use the abbreviations when making a new slip entry.  Right now I have it set so I can type in a word and have it fill to "Work done for the month of October 2019".  I have to remember to keep changing the abbreviation to make sure it reflects the billing month I am preparing.  Is there a way to make/code it so the default string that comes out automatically picks up a previous month or a previous year without me having to type that previous month or year?  Thanks.
