Write-off record per timekeeper


I have been looking for a way to keep track/record write-offs per timekeeper.

Example: Invoice # 1 was billed to client in the amount of $1,000(700 for Timekeeper A and 300 for B). The adjuster then decided that Timekeeper A spent a little too much time working on a document and wrote off $200.00 for that. The total payment I have to enter is $800. I want to record that Timekeeper A contributed $500 worth of work and Timekeeper B contributed $300 instead of both losing 20% of their pay which, in this case, is unfair for Timekeeper B. Is there any way to do that?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Sebring

    I believe it allocates payments and write offs proportionately to those who worked on the invoice.  I just don't remember if it does it by percentage of hours or dollars.  My gut says dollars, but you can confirm this yourself.  I.e., if Timekeeper A contributed 10% of the dollars on the invoice, they would be allocated 10% of the payments and write offs.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.
    [email protected]
