Purge Taking Forever and Going Very Slow



Long story short I am purging closed clients and it's going unbelievably slowly.

I am trying to purge the database from everything from our closed clients. When I run the purge, I select "Closed" clients and nothing else, no other filters. It's been going for about 32 hours so far, and here's what it tells me:

Transactions for closed names: 13,750 out of 507,197

Phase 4 of 16 complete.

And if i leave it alone for 10 or 15 minutes, it jumps to 13,800. So if you do the math, this should take just over 3 months running continuously. Obviously something isn't right. It's running on a server with plenty of memory and no other programs running. Anyone else ever experience this? Should I just cancel it?

There's only about 17,000 slips for closed clients. Why so many "transactions"? And why does Timeslips take so long to delete them??

  • 0

    Transactions are not only slips but payments and bill records. Did you run database verification before you started? Is anti-virus running with Timeslips excluded? Are you running directly on the server? What version of Timeslips? 

    Did you do a backup before starting? You could cancel, restore backup. Run verification. Then just purge slips. Next purge AR. Then purge closed clients. 
  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    I stopped antivirus a few hours ago. It's Timeslips Premium 2020 directly on the server.

    I did do a full backup right before I started, so yea that's an option. I could cancel it, restore and try again some other time.

    I did not do the database verification thing so maybe that is where I went wrong? Would that cause it to purge so slowly?

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    I stopped antivirus a few hours ago. It's Timeslips Premium 2020 directly on the server.

    I did do a full backup right before I started, so yea that's an option. I could cancel it, restore and try again some other time.

    I did not do the database verification thing so maybe that is where I went wrong? Would that cause it to purge so slowly?
