Test run of an e-bill?


We just switched to a newer version of Timeslips and had would like to run a test e-bill to make sure it sends from Outlook with the correct email message and attachment. Had previous issues- support instructed the switch from 64 to 32 bit Outlook which should resolve this issue...

Would we have to create a "dummy client" to test sending an e bill? Surely there must be a better way?... Would like to avoid trial and error with sending an actual client's invoice.

Where in settings does it show our outgoing email address to send e-bills from our firm?


  • +1
    verified answer

    I would just temporarily change a regular client's email to one of my own emails for the test.  Preferably not the one you are sending from. Then change it back once you are done testing.

    As for the outgoing email address, Timeslips does not control that.  It just uses the default email set in your Outlook.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.
    [email protected]

  • +1
    verified answer

    I would just temporarily change a regular client's email to one of my own emails for the test.  Preferably not the one you are sending from. Then change it back once you are done testing.

    As for the outgoing email address, Timeslips does not control that.  It just uses the default email set in your Outlook.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.
    [email protected]

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