Slip Notes (Timeslips 2018)

When trying to add a new note for a new time or expense entry (using the yellow sticky "slip notes" tool) it seems to be grayed out and not usable until I finish entering the entire slip and then save, which automatically closes it.  I have to then reopen the slip and now the little yellow sticky note is available to click and add a note.  Why can't I add a note when I am completing the first time?  Am I doing something wrong or was this just poor coding?


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    @LindsaySD - The Slip Notes feature is documented as being a 'sticky' note one can apply to a slip from the Slip List.  It is not designed to be used during the slip entry screen itself. The 'Extra' field on a slip is where a user would want to put a note on a slip during slip entry.

    This information is presented in the Help documentation by pressing F1 on your keyboard to access help, or under Help, Help Topics, Online Users Guide and searching for 'Slip Notes' or 'Notes on Slips'.

    This is by design as the feature was originally added in Timeslips 2007, and is not a coding issue.  If you wish to offer a proactive suggestion, we encourage you to do so to do so in the program under Help, Submit a Product Idea.