I created separate CSVs for Tasks and Expenses using the TS Export Wizard. In TS Import - why are there not matching Available Fields to line up with the Source Data?


I'm stumped. TS Premium Elite 2021. I created separate CSVs for Tasks and Expenses using the TS Export Wizard.  - In TS Import - why are there not matching Available Fields to line up with the Source Data? Timeslips 2021 to Timeslips 2021.

New tax entity. Just making a copy of Tasks, Expenses, and some clients. From Timeslips to Timeslips. Why are there not matching available fields or why im i not seeing that i can add these available fields to match the source data?

There's an Export Task Info Listing to CSV. Why am i not seeing an Import for Task Info Listing, or at least have the ability to choose the Available Fields from the left side of TS Import Dialog box?

Or is there a spreadsheet somewhere that i can paste the records into?

please help!