Billing Accounts Receivable and Previous Balance


I have a client I billed in May; balance was $6,915.00 after payments posted in the amounts $2,000.00 and $1,200.00. The $1,200 payment was a reimbursement for an expense. I sent her August bill and the previous balance shows as $8,115.00 with payments posted totaling $4,957.50, balance due $3,157.50 but it should be $1,957.50. (I did not notice this discrepancy before emailing the bill) . Any thoughts on what might have caused the system to change the previous balance? This is quite embarrassing and I now have to explain to the client what happened.  I cannot for the life of me figure it out. When I look at the accounts receivable list it shows the correct balance now due of $1,957.50. What could have caused the client invoice to print with an incorrect previous balance? And what can I do to prevent this in the future. I do quite a lot of monthly bills and need the program to be reliable not add to my work. Any help would be appreciated.