Sage Timeslips System Error


I received an error "Sage Timeslips has encountered an error" Address violation error.  Area: System Error.  Code: 2.  Class: tSystemExceptionC (EAccessViloation)

Access violation at address 0065DFE5 in module "Timeslip.exe.  Write of address 00000030   Version

I am unable to open the "Show Slips" on the Basic Navigator menue or from the pull down menu.  When I click on the tab there is a flash of something in the upper right corner but no clue on what it is or how to get the slps to open up.

Hoping someone can help.    Thank you, Marlene

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    Code 2 errors are the hardest to track down. You may have some data corruption, or you might just need to clear some temp files. Hard to tell from the error.

    Seems like you are running v2015 from your version number. There was a patch available after that, which you might want to try and apply. It will not likely fix the Code 2, but at least you will be on the best version available for your license going forward.

    If you would like some help fixing the Code 2, you can send me an email, or call the number below to discuss.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.
    [email protected]

  • +1 in reply to Nancy Duhon
    verified answer

    Thanks for the info.  I did contact our IT person and we were able to get the "Show Slips" back up - simple fix on that one - somehow the viewing was changed, and we reset it to Tile view.  Not sure if that fixed the Code 2 error or not or if we still have a corruption issue.  Not getting any  error messages other than the one mentioned previously.  Well, except for our not connected to QuickBooks errors - they don't talk to each other.

    Hopefully, all will be okay, still learning Timeslips.  I may reach out later this week to discuss.  Thank you. Marlene

  • +1 in reply to Nancy Duhon
    verified answer

    Thanks for the info.  I did contact our IT person and we were able to get the "Show Slips" back up - simple fix on that one - somehow the viewing was changed, and we reset it to Tile view.  Not sure if that fixed the Code 2 error or not or if we still have a corruption issue.  Not getting any  error messages other than the one mentioned previously.  Well, except for our not connected to QuickBooks errors - they don't talk to each other.

    Hopefully, all will be okay, still learning Timeslips.  I may reach out later this week to discuss.  Thank you. Marlene
