backup with Timeslips 2010

We use Timeslips 2010.  For over 3 years, we backed our timeslips data every day with no problem. About a month ago, we started having a problem.

For years, the backup process usually took less than 5 minutes.  Now, the backup process never ends and it tries to back up files from over a year ago.  it goes through the files on a day-to-day basis from over l8 months agao.  It first backs up these files: "QuickenDate-201*-Month-day.Qdf-backup; then, it starts backing up QuickienData201*MonthDay.QDF files;  then it attempts to back up ~WRA1280.wbk file, but it stops.

The following message appears: Access Denied: Possible reasons may be: Database Security restrictions; Not enough disk space; Network restrictions; illegal file name.

The data base is not on network; there are no network restrictions; we have plenty of disk space; there are no database security restrictions to affect timeslips; we have not changed anything in the past 60 days; the file name is what timeslips suggests.

I even tried to backup by excluding the subfolders but the backup process did not change.

I appreciate all comments and suggestions that you may have.