LEDES98 Billing Instructions


Is there somewhere I can find instructions on how to use LEDES98?

I thought I'd be able to figure it out, with no problems... However, I thought wrong...

I believe I've set up everything correctly. I went to "Bills" then "Ledes 1998B Format Delivery"

I then clicked "Export" and I get an error message which reads: "Phase/Task does not contain the Litigation Task Billing Code".

I went through each and every time slip in the client I want to export; there do not appear to be any missing task codes... I'M LOST!!

Either I just really don't understand this, or I am missing something simple... Please help me... :)

  • 0

    Generally speaking, each slip needs to have 2 codes in them, an A code, which is the Activity and an L code which is usually the reference.  Do you have both for every slip?  You don't say what version of Timeslips.  Your Ledes client should have sent you documents of what they need in the export field.  Looking at Timeslips 2014, if you go to Help and type in Ledes you will get some basic instructions there.

  • 0 in reply to MarcAC

    I am using Timeslips 2014.

    Thank you for your suggestion - I do not see anything with an "L Code" in any of my slips; all I have are "A Codes"... I do not see a place where I would be able to add another task code - How would I go about this?

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  • 0 in reply to HeatherInnes
    verified answer

    The "L" (or whichever your client requires) codes need to be typed into a Reference list for a client or template in such a way that they can be used for other matters without having to retype the list each time. This can take some time to set up and test, and can be daunting the first time you do it. If you want to tackle it yourself, you should be able to get there using the spec document from your client (request it if you don't have it) and the Timeslips online Help. If you would like assistance, any number of us Certified Consultants on this group would be able to help you privately. We have all done this many times.