Flat Fee Set-Up


How do you set up a bill for flat fee arrangement where you are only charging a client $3,000.00 for everything you do in the case but the attorney wants his hours put in the bill to get credit for his hours worked on the file?  I would like it so that when I received the payment and I print the bill it zero's out the account. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • 0
    verified answer

    Open the Client Information, go to the Bill Arrangement 1 tab.  Set up an Absolute Flat fee for the fees, and (VERY IMPORTANT - because it is NOT the default) set the duration to Job.  This will charge the client a one time fee of $3,000 on the first bill.  How much time the attorney enters will not affect the price, but will show on the bill if you usually show time entries.

    Hope this helps.  

    If you think this suggestion was especially helpful, please consider rating it within the five star option, or clicking the green Yes button next to the "Did this answer your question?" option below.  Thanks.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Master Certified Consultant for Timeslips,Certified Consultant for Amicus Attorney and Credenza

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    a member of Certified Resources Network, LLC

    [email protected]


    Providing personalized local and remote online support for Timeslips users for over 20 years. Available for private consultations, including older/unsupported versions.

  • 0 in reply to Nancy Duhon
    Re Flat-Fee Set up
    What would you do in a case where you have already issued 2 invoices to the client and, after-the-fact, the attorney advises you that he wants it set up as a flat fee? I cannot undo two invoices. I would appreciate your suggestions.
    Thank you very much.
    Lost in LA
  • 0 in reply to GonzalesLaw
    You could set a flat fee for the remainder based on the total less the billed. Another option would be to create a new matter and copy/duplicate all the slips to the new matter than close or purge the existing matter
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