Creating a new bill layout


I am trying to create a bill layout for client who have a previous balance due and also have a professional courtesy posted to their account. I have a layout for each separately but I have noticed more clients with a balance and a courtesy write off. In the past I have printed a statement for the previous balance and a bill for the new balance showing the professional courtesy write off. Does anyone know how I can make this happen without having to print a statement and a bill to send to one person?

  • 0

    Not sure from what you describe why you would need another bill layout to accomplish this.  It seems to me that it should be as simple as turning on the previous balance and a/r transaction information on whichever bill layout you choose.  Beyond that advice very difficult to give specifics without being able to see the layouts you describe or knowing the version of Timeslips you are using.  

  • 0 in reply to AllenH

    I thought the same thing but when both are needed it won't allow both to print on the same bill. I start with the basic bill layout, which will show the professional courtesy write off, but won't show previous payment or amount due in the "grand total" section. My Timeslips has a customizable section 1 & 2, which are both the same, and when that is added under the Expense Charges-Itemized section it will show the previous balance or payment received amount but not the professional courtesy write off.

    Our office uses Timeslips 2011.

  • 0 in reply to Lauren_SW
    verified answer

    You will need to enable the professional courtesy write off in either layout you choose by opening the layout and going to the layout button up near the design tab, selecting layout options and finally "itemize client adjustments after printing slip charges".  Might be slightly different in your 2011 versus my 2014 but that is where you need to look.

  • 0 in reply to AllenH

    It worked. I am very new to this system and the manuals/tutorials are very confusing. You saved the day!

    Thank you!!