Invoice Numbering

I am trying to set up separate invoice numbering for each client (so the client's first bill is 1, then 2, etc.), versus a global invoice number that keeps increasing for all client bills.

I have gone to the Client Information Invoice page and typed in and saved for each client the Next Invoice Number that I want to use, but when I print bills they still come out with the next Global Invoice Number.

Can anyone please help.

  • 0

    Did you make sure the little dot next to the invoice number is selected?  To me this is a lot of extra work. is there a particular reason you want to do this?

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Thanks for answering. Yes, the dot was selected.  Not sure why this is extra work?

    I would like each client's invoices to be in order, so that their first bill is #1, then #2, etc. versus just the global invoice number which keeps assigning the next number to the next client bill (regardless that it is a different client).

  • 0 in reply to HDB

    This is extra work because accounting systems do not like duplicate invoice numbers.  In your scenario, ClientA gets an Invoice 1, ClientB gets an Invoice 1, ClientC gets and Invoice 1, etc.

    It is an audit nightmare.  Imagine trying to track down Invoice 1.  Which one?.  

    Accounting systems prefer a unique and incremental invoice numbering system.  There will only ever be one Invoice with that number.  MUCH easier to track.  Very similar to the way they don't like duplicate check numbers either.

    Even if you succeed in getting Timeslips to print the numbers you want, internally it will still assign the invoice a unique Internal Invoice number so that it can keep track of it.

    The real question is what benefits you gain by doing all this extra work.  I have never heard of a client caring what the invoice number is on their invoice.  What sort of goal do you have in mind by using such an invoice numbering system?  Perhaps we can suggest an alternative method that will achieve the same goal.

    Hope this helps.  

    If you think this suggestion was especially helpful, please consider rating it within the five star option, or clicking the green Yes button next to the "Did this answer your question?" option below.  Thanks.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Master Certified Consultant for Timeslips,Certified Consultant for Amicus Attorney and Credenza

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    a member of Certified Resources Network, LLC

    [email protected]


    Providing personalized local and remote online support for Timeslips users for over 20 years. Available for private consultations, including older/unsupported versions.

  • 0 in reply to Nancy Duhon

    The method above should work.  Setting the invoice number on the Client Info page, and making sure you have set the radio-button next to it to assume that option is selected, it will use your new numbering system, however...

    If you have recently undone a bill for the client, and that bill was using the global numbering system, and you have Timeslips set to 'Reuse invoice numbers of the last cleared Proof Stage bill or last undone approved bill', it would recreate the next invoice using the global number.  Subsequent invoices will be correct however.