Unable to clear licenses

Using TS (believe 2007) and had an unexpected computer shutdown. I get the message "there are not enough licenses..." so LIcenses in Use shows me (I am a solo user) as being in use; however I cannot Clear my use due to "there are stations currently accessing the database..."

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    My guess is that you may have paradox lock files still open and that you will need to find them and remove them.  They look like paradox.lck, pdoxusrs.lck, etc. and may be in your program or data folder.  Couldn't hurt to make a copy of your data folder as a backup precaution.

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    My guess is that you may have paradox lock files still open and that you will need to find them and remove them.  They look like paradox.lck, pdoxusrs.lck, etc. and may be in your program or data folder.  Couldn't hurt to make a copy of your data folder as a backup precaution.
