Report for billed and unbilled time


We are doing an audit of an attorney. I am looking for a report that will show me each client the attorney billed. The attorney is saved on the client's custom tab under "controller" I need all billed and unbilled slips.

I was thinking I would do a slip report, but I need the total billed and unbilled to particular clients, and part of that total is paralegal work so would a slip report only pull in that attorney? or all slips?

Any information would help.

  • 0

    You don't want to run a slip report based on the controller, you want to run it based on the timekeeper and just choose the timekeeper. The controller is not tied to specific slips but to all slips for the client for which the controller is assigned. If you only want the time on the clients for which the timekeeper is the controller you can filter by controller and timekeeper.

    You can set the report to show totals by client and, depending on which slip report you are using you can subtotal by billed / unbilled. I would look at the slip summary report or timekeeper totals by period.

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    We hold the attorney info on the controller. The timekeeper could be an atty that isnt assigned to the client, so I dont think that would give me what I need. Really, I need a report of clients that have this controller assigned to it.

    After that, I need a break down of each of those clients billed and unbilled slips. I can have them in two separate reports, but Im having trouble getting the first list. I did a new charges report, and I think that gives me what I need because it also includes 0.00 charge clients, but I cant be sure.

  • 0 in reply to Marie Browning

    I believe the slip summary report or the slip totals by period could give the right information if properly filtered and subtotaled. On the sort tab you need to look for slip - billed. Depending on the version of Timeslips you are running there are also custom reports that could be designed.

    If you go to the help menu and click on documentation (it might be different words, this is from memory) there is a PDF of all the reports in Timeslips. Looking through this and reading about some of the reports might help you.

    You might benefit from working with a certified consultant as it is often easier to do this working with you.

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Im not sure why I would use a slip report..? Im looking for 2 separate reports. A report of clients that have a specific controller assigned to it, then a report that shows those clients billed and unbilled time. I can run the report for billed and unbilled time, I know how to do that. I need the report to give me the clients that this controller is assigned to.

  • 0 in reply to Marie Browning
    verified answer

    If you run the slip report sorted by controller you will have all the information on one report. If you want a separate report of the controller by client you can either do a custom client report that lists the nickname and the controller or you can run a client nickname listing report sorted by controller.

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Thank you! Yeah, we need it separated by client. Thank you!