"Amount" Column next to "Hours" Has Vanished on Bill

Hi everyone,

I am having a frustrating issue where on one (and so far only one) client's bill the column for "Amount" next to "Hours" has completely vanished for no reason.  No bills for other clients have this issue and they are all assigned to THE SAME LAY OUT. 

I am not sure how to resolve this problem, or how to even approach it because I'm baffled as to how all my other clients using the exact same bill layout are printing just fine, and it is just this one client that is giving me so much grief.  I would greatly appreciate any input you guys might have.  Thank you.

  • 0

    Does client have a flat fee or adjustment to their bill? This will cause the amount to go away because it is not  calculated as hours * rate.

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Hi Caren,

    No, I just checked and there doesn't seem to be any slips billed to this client that was a flat or adjusted - they are all the usual hourly rate slips and expenses.  I should also add that this glitch just happened now.  The previous finalized invoice for this client was fine.  Then this month, when I went to print the bills the amount column just vanished.  

  • 0 in reply to VGLawclerks

    Hi Caren -

    I take back what I said above.  I took a closer look and saw that someone had billed some time for a ATTY/PARA that 1) has not been used in a decade and 2) does not have an hourly rate so they tried to make it for a flat fee of $100 by overriding.  I deleted that slip, tried reprinting and AMOUNT COLUMN came back!  That must have been the issue!

  • 0 in reply to VGLawclerks

    Hi Caren -

    I take back what I said above.  I took a closer look and saw that someone had billed some time for a ATTY/PARA that 1) has not been used in a decade and 2) does not have an hourly rate so they tried to make it for a flat fee of $100 by overriding.  I deleted that slip, tried reprinting and AMOUNT COLUMN came back!  That must have been the issue!
