Dual monitor utility, Windows 10, TS 2016 conflict

The built in extended monitor function of Windows 10 isn't good at making sure that all the pop up windows and prompts of apps such as Adobe Acrobat stay on a designated monitor.  Result is you have to swivel your head between monitors even when working with a single application.

My accountant's tech Yahoo Group suggested Actual Tools Windows Manager.  As soon as I installed AWM, Timeslips crashed as soon as I tried to start it. Rebooted, same story. Uninstalled AWM, Timeslips 2016 runs fine.

Only other conflict I've ever found with TS was a particular setting in Teamviewer remote control software. 

Has anyone run into this either on Windows 10 or 8.1?  Know of any other mulit monitor utility that works well either on 8.1 or 10 and compatiible with TS?


Len Raphael

Oakland, CA