Would it be possible for a Attachment in Sage X3 on a Products "ITMMASTER" screen be referenced when Printing from the Work Order "MFGHEAD" screen?


Hello All, 

I have an interesting ask from our User base.  We have Word Documents that are required to be printed when ever as a Check sheet each time a user prints a work order.  Here's the twist the Word documents are unique to each product or groups of products.  

I've found the way where I can attach these Word Documents to a Product in "ITMMASTER" screen in X3, and I've also learned how I can have it auto print that document.  But i would need some way to be able to pull these attachments from the Product screen when I'm printing a work order of the Same Product.

Could this be done with a button on the Work Order screen?  Or is there a function(s) that would allow us to apply the Product specific attachment automatically each time we cut a new work order for that given product? 

Any ideas or directions would be helpful from you all. 
