Logging out from Sage Business Cloud Accounting does not actually log you out.

Test Browser: Chrome 101.0.4951.41 

Login to sage.com Sage Business Cloud Accounting, goto profile and click Logout. Go back to login for Sage Business Cloud Accounting and session still exists.

  • Hi JamesAST, 

    Thanks for reaching out. Are you still experiencing this issue? Just tested it and can't replicate.
    Clicking sign out using the Google Chrome browser does kick me out back to the sage.com page:

    Perhaps this is a caching issue on your end, here below are some steps to try to clear "ALL Time" cookies and other site data. 

    For Google Chrome 

    1. Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
    2. Select Tools.
    3. Select Settings > search for "Clear browsing data".

    4. In the dialog that appears, select the checkboxes for the types of information that you want to remove.
    5. Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete. Select All time to delete everything.
    6. Click Clear data 

    Hope this helps!

    Warm Regards, 

  • in reply to Erzsi_I

    As the attached video demonstrates, it does redirect to sage.com. But the session still exists and does not require signing back in. The expected behavior, when signing out of an account, would be a requirement to sign back in. Otherwise, if you click Sign Out of an insecure browser (e.g. public place)...ANYONE can get access to you your account.

  • in reply to JamesAST

    After the redirect, I did retry the login just in case and got the sign in page like normal. Which browser are you using? Would be curious to hear if others have the same issue. 

  • in reply to JamesAST

    Hello , this is a delicate topic, and would require a closer look into it.

    I would recommend you reach out to our technical support team via chat, so that one of our agents can gather as much information and report this issue to the proper team. Thanks

  • in reply to Erzsi_I

    This appears to be a macOS problem. I can replicate it in latest versions of Safari, Firefox and Chrome on macOS Monterey and Big Sur, using 3 separate computers on two separate internet connections. Sign Out worked as expected on Firefox in Ubuntu. I don't have a Windows PC to test.

  • in reply to Erzsi_I

    This appears to be a macOS problem. I can replicate it in latest versions of Safari, Firefox and Chrome on macOS Monterey and Big Sur, using 3 separate computers on two separate internet connections. Sign Out worked as expected on Firefox in Ubuntu. I don't have a Windows PC to test.

  • in reply to JamesAST

    Hi JamesAST, my test was using macOS Monterrey 12.3 and Chrome.

    Safari Version 15.4 (17613. is also ok. Logs out after sign out, and is still signed out when going back in.

    works directly with Sage Accounting, and it sounds like the support team will be able to assist further. 

    You can either access chat directly in product, from the top right or here on sage.com/resources under the Contact section.

    Warm Regards, 