This blog article will cover the Sage 200 Evolution Database Audit feature. This feature allows an administrator to track database changes across the application for audit purposes. Administrators can track changes to database tables based on transactions posted as well as track modifications to Masterfile data across the Sage 200 Evolution application.
To access the Database Audit feature, navigate to the “Database Audit Setup” through the system administration.
Once selected you will be presented with a screen listing all database tables that the application uses.
Depending on the process or master data that you wish to monitor the respective table or tables can be selected for audit.
Select the table name on the left and click on the enable button on the top right as seen below
You will be presented with a few more options once you enable auditing. You can choose the number of records that the audit needs to hold as history and in which date range these fall within.
This now means that auditing is active on the table. A check on the tables in SQL will reveal that a new audit table has been created that will store the audit information.
On the table view the audited table will now be marked with a green tick.
Once transactions or changes happen on the table including new record creation and deleting records, the data is logged.
Each audit table per a database table will include all data columns and will track a change per field on the record.
As seen below you have an option to refresh data if the updated records are not showing up yet, the user can also save the results grid to a format of their choice as you would save other grids within Sage 200 Evolution and they also have an option to print the audit history and the setup log per audit table.
Lastly you have an option to disable the auditing by selecting the Disable option. This will stop auditing on the specified table.
This is a useful option if the administrators would like to track changes on critical database tables and allows them to see what changes were made and by whom.
Enabling database auditing will make a database grow in size, depending on the table that is being audited. Administrators must be aware of this so that the database can be checked and managed timeously.