Sage 200 Evolution – Drill Down to Source Documents from Reports

1 minute read time.

This blog article covers the Sage 200 Evolution drill down feature from GL reports namely Trial Balance, Income Statement and Age Analysis.


Drill down feature on age analysis available from Sage 200 Evolution Version


The functionality to drill down to the source document from a report preview is now available on the Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Age Analysis report.


A blue hyperlink will be displayed for fields that allow a drill down to the source transaction.


A grid with the transactions will be displayed when the hyperlink is selected. The grid has the normal functionality of customising the columns and exporting.


If the transaction allows, it will enable the ‘Source’ button, to open the source document. ‘Drilldown’ will show the transaction details.


Click on ‘Stay on top’ to keep the grid open and move focus back to the report preview.


The transaction Drill down feature is available on the General Ledger Trial Balance report, including its report technical infrastructure (Layout).

Using the Drill down Feature



  • Run the General Ledger | Reports | Trial Balance report.


  • Identify any GL account balance that you want to inspect and Analyse further, and double click on it, e.g., the Sales account balance.

  • Select the specific transaction that you want to Analyse and then click the Drill down

  • On the Audit Trial Journal screen, select the Show All Dependencies option and then click the Source button.

  • You can now review the original source document and even reprint it if needed.

  • The ‘Stay on top’ option can also be selected.

  • Doing this allows you to open multiple drill downs from the screen below.

User Access Permissions



How to prevent an agent from using the drill down functionality

  1. Ensure the agent is logged out of the company
  2. Go to Administration | Agent Administration
  3. Find and edit the relevant agent.
  4. On the Access Permissions tab, unselect the option marked below.