V7 vs V10 Inventory Defaults for Warehouse Inventory Items

2 minute read time.

With the new look and feel of Sage 200 Evolution, there are some changes and enhancements to the inventory item defaults for warehouse items.

This blog details the changes made to the system for warehouse inventory items on v7 vs v10.

On version 7 and older versions, when navigating to Inventory | Maintenance | Inventory Items. Edit a warehouse inventory item and go to the Warehouse tab.

You will notice that you have the option to either setup the warehouse specific details for Cost, Pricing, Information, Ordering, Defaults and Suppliers tab or Use the Item Defaults.

Note: Cost defaults depend on whether you are using cost per warehouse or cost per item.

Version 7 Warehouse Tab:

On Version 10 you will notice that the option to ‘Use Item Defaults’ does not display under the Warehouse tab on the inventory item as seen below.

Version 10 Warehouse Tab:

With the newer version, the system uses the item defaults for Cost, Pricing, Information, Ordering, Defaults and Suppliers if warehouse details are not setup for a specific warehouse.

The difference on the versions is that the ‘Use Item Defaults’ option is not available for v10 and higher, because the system is already using item defaults if the details are not setup for specific warehouses.

Refer to the screenshot below, when editing the warehouse on the item, you will notice that the defaults setup on the item are pulling through to the warehouses, until specific warehouse details are updated on the warehouse.

It is important to note that the cost might be different depending on the option the company database is using for inventory cost setup in the Inventory Defaults. This applies for both version 7 & lower and Version 10 & higher.

If you use the Multi-Warehousing Add-on module, you can choose to have a unique cost per item per warehouse, or a single cost per item across all warehouses.

The system defaults to the cost per inventory item method. To change to the cost per warehouse method, choose the ‘Cost Per Warehouse’ option.

Note:  If you choose and confirm the cost per warehouse option, you cannot change back to the cost per item method. You should therefore ensure that you are making the correct choice when you switch to this method.

Note: When you edit the costing method of an item, the action will be logged in the message log viewer for auditing purposes.