There are a few points discussion: 3 part invoice, effects on the BIC report, as well as the calculations fields don't make sense


When running the sales master report (Even on the latest version after contacting support)

1.  If I issue and invoice a client, I can see the sales figure correctly as well as the quantity.

But when I invoice first or vice versa, when I run the intelligence report, it leaves the quantity column blank.

The warehouses are all invoiced and issued from the same warehouse, the items are the same.

For the month of January, 1 invoice was done, the unit price was correct.

2.  Feb - I invoiced the same stock item, all thing constant, same stock, same customer etc. the difference is the 3 part invoicing.  The quantities just don't reflect.

Furthermore in February, I processed 3 invoices for the same item, the stock was the same, same as January, however the unit price added all 3 unit prices together (Because the number of invoices done for that month was 3.  So it added up the 3 unit costs, and inflated the unit costs by adding the unit prices as a sum instead of it being constant, as it was exactly the same price, stock item and cost.  but I processed 3 invoices, the system added up the unit price in the column and summed them up.

What's the problem and how do I fix this?