POS Module Disabling Receipting on Future Date


We are running sage evoultion version 7.0.02 .

We want to disable posting of receipts in to a future date in the POS Module as is has caused misuse by our users leading to reported cases of fraud.see attached screen.

I want restrict receipt posting to the current date.

Pleaseadvise if this possible.

  • +1
    verified answer

    This was achieved by 

    blocking prior and future financial periods in Sage through Maintenance….Common… company details…..accounting periods screen. You can also block change transaction processed date option so that users cannot change transaction date when processing. Depending with your software version look for the option below under agent administration user permissions. Adjust the setting to the POS user group or individual user accounts.

  • +1
    verified answer

    This was achieved by 

    blocking prior and future financial periods in Sage through Maintenance….Common… company details…..accounting periods screen. You can also block change transaction processed date option so that users cannot change transaction date when processing. Depending with your software version look for the option below under agent administration user permissions. Adjust the setting to the POS user group or individual user accounts.
